Personal Logo Rough Draft

For the personal logo project I decided to create a logo that encompasses my passion for content creating, specifically videography and photography. As mentioned previously throughout my blog I am an aspiring digital media creator for a professional sports team and this logo is an accurate depiction of that goal. The first step of the creation process was brainstorming ideas to include my passion for sports, photography, and videography into my project. I didn’t really have a specific source of inspiration, my idea was mostly formed through the design of a camera and sport symbol. After coming up with the idea to combine sports and content creating I started by sketching several logos that included different film and photo symbols with sports symbols included in the design. Next, I chose a simple but appealing sketch that best represented my brand. I then took this logo and created it on Illustrator by adding square and circle shapes to make an outline of the emblem. Next, I used the pen tool to create the basketball within the lens of the camera. Lastly, I added the text, “Brewer Media” to tie the whole project together. I used design elements such as negative space and balance throughout the logo. The elements in my project include the creation of shapes and specifically the use of circles and squares. I also use the pen tool to create straight and curved lines in the basketball part of the design. I didn’t encounter any problems while using Adobe Illustrator because I have quite a bit of experience with the program. As far as sources go, I didn’t use any inspirations or source from the web to cite. After completing the draft, I feel like I have a good starting point to work off of to continue to improve as I progress through the process.

Personal Logo Rough Sketch

Here is my rough sketch of a personal logo creation. I have decided to create a logo for my sports content brand. My idea for the logo is to include the name of my brand, Brewer Media, along with a camera icon and sports ball emblem that represent sports content creation.

Final Graphic Design Project

Before starting this project I knew I wanted to incorporate some of my unique experiences on the football field as a videographer along with my newly learned Photoshop skills. I didn’t really have a clear vision in mind of the project so I just jumped right in by selecting a few pictures that were relevant to my job. Choosing the pictures for this project was probably the most challenging part because usually my camera consists of primarily video files. After some time spent digging, I found a few images that showcased some of the highlights of my job. The close up access, the CFS field atmosphere, and the camaraderie of the Cougs all encompass this visual piece. As I put this flyer together, I used several different Photoshop components and tutorials we have learned in these first few weeks. The first step I took was creating the background. I decided on creating a red and white gradient along with a white line gradient. The background is an essential part of the project because it adds to the WSU aesthetic. Next, I compiled my pictures into a grid format and placed white borders around them along with drop shadows. I framed the pictures into a asymmetrical order to provide a unique pattern. Then, I created several shapes and typed out information over the top of them. I used the font “Surfing Capital” because it embellishes creativity and innovation, two values that the WSU Athletics creative team hold in high esteem. A fellow classmate suggested I change the font but after trying numerous fonts I decided to stay with Surfing Capital because of it’s fresh look.

The feedback I received during the revision stage was very helpful in finalizing my project. The comments were for the most very positive and only included a few minor suggestions. One student suggested that I bring the opacity down on the shapes to allow the font to stand out more but this suggestion made the shapes look pink which was not a color I was going for. After reading further peer evaluations I decided to make a few changes to the original draft. I added a small Cougar head logo to the bottom right as well as changing the hue/saturation of my photos slightly to get a consistent look. Ultimately after making these changes and looking over the project, I’m proud of the way the graphic turned out.

Graphic Design Project Rough Draft

Before starting on my graphic design project I asked myself, what type of pictures would best showcase my first month as a video intern for WSU Athletics? Since my camera is usually filled with video files, I found it somewhat difficult to find relevant images. After some time spent digging, I found a few images that showcased some of the highlights of my job. The close up access, the CFS field atmosphere, and the camaraderie of the Cougs all encompass this visual piece. As I put this flyer together, I used several different Photoshop components and tutorials we have learned in these first few weeks. The first area I focused on was the background. I started off by inserting a generic image of grass as the background that I took while at a WSU football game. I then created a red and white gradient along with a white line gradient over the image allowing it have that WSU aesthetic. Next I placed my images in a grid format and made them have stroke borders as well as drop shadows to make them more visually appealing. This grid format allows the image to have unique framing along with a great use of asymmetry. The next step I took was to edit the hue/saturation of each individual image by using clipping and layer masks. After that I created shapes and used them as a background for my text. I utilized the text to tell a story about who I am to give the reader an insight into my background. After using all of these techniques I am pleased with the way the flyer turned out. I sincerely believe the images, text, and overall ‘Coug’ design paint a picture of some of the experiences I have had as a WSU Athletics video intern.

Graphic Design Photo Collection

My idea for the project is to create a WSU Athletics Employee introduction flyer. This graphic will introduce me and highlight some of my work I have done in my first month. All of these pictures were taken by myself with the exception of the one taken of me, which I was given permission to use by my co-worker.

My professional Identity

For my topic I chose to focus on my professional identity of working as a videographer/director in the sports industry. Currently I am working as a video intern for WSU athletics and I think this blog would be the perfect outlet for me to share some of my work as well as somewhere I can lay out my goals and aspirations. Looking past my video internship this is also an important topic for me because sports videography is an area I’m looking to pursue down the road. I plan on collecting content such as pictures, videos, and audio while on the job that I can use for my projects. The majority of the content I shoot will be sports related, whether it be on the field or in the gym. I have several idea for the unit project posts. My first idea for the unit 2 logo project is to create a design for my freelance videographer company. This design will more than likely include some sports symbols and video symbol as this represents my personal brand. The second idea that I have for a unit project is creating a video story that demonstrates a ‘day in my life’ vlog that shows my daily workflow as a WSU athletics videographer and some of my experiences on the field filming.

Behind the camera: The making of Clemson’s viral social content.

This inspiration file describes the amazing work done by Clemson athletics student video production team. I aspire to create the same type of content that these students produce.

The link above is an example of a video that has elements that I want to use as an editor and cinematographer such as dramatic music and effects, even if it is (painfully) for the purple and gold.

Above is a link to Elite Edge productions, an up and coming sports production company that does work for professional teams such as the Seattle Seahawks, Altanta Braves, etc. I hope to one day start my own production company similar to Elite Edge.

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